
How to Reference this software in your work 

Mohamed, Y., Koussayer, B., Le, N., Whalen, K., Al Bayati, M., Gemayel, K., Taylor, L., Randolph, E., Criscione, Alkaelani, M T., Morris, J., Mikhael, M., Jupudi, R., Moffitt, S., Arora, S., Nehila, T., West, W., & Laun, J. (2022, October 16). The Skin Analyzer© Version (1). 


This tool is not approved by the FDA as a medical device and should not be used as one. We have only validated its accuracy of obtaining known values and for inter-rater reliability. This preliminary data may be not as accurate as a skin colorimeter and has not yet been validated against one. This tool should not be used for medical advice or treatment and should not be used outside of research purposes or as a substitute for consulting your doctor. By downloading this software you are acknowledging that you have read this disclaimer. 

This is app is open source and is available at github: